Strategy for the alcohol and other drug peer workforce in Victoria
The intention is for this Strategy to support resourcing and planning for AOD peer workforce development. It is envisaged that initiatives from this Strategy will be led by the AOD peer workforce, in collaboration with other peer workforce development stakeholders, supported by the Victorian AOD sector and government investment.
This Strategy describes the required activity needed to adequately develop, support and sustain the workforce. It aims to assist policy developers, funders, AOD peer workers and their employers to work towards a sustainable and thriving peer workforce.
Key Findings
Key findings related to emerging/promising principles for engaging PWLLE:
(Vision for the AOD Peer Workforce)
- Peer work will be understood, values and recognized as its own professional discipline
- The peer workforce will be established as an integrated part of service design and become an embedded model in the sector
- Peer workers and the sector will be supported by a central resource for peer workforce development
- The peer workforce will be provided specialized training, supervision, professional development and networking opportunities
- Organizations will be educated and adequately prepared for the introduction and sustainability of the peer workforce
- Adequate resources will be granted for the growth and sustainability of the peer workforce.
Key findings related to emerging/promising practices for engaging PWLLE:
Priming: Peer work should be supported by a sector wide peer workforce development framework that includes organizational readiness training, peer worker training, peer worker supervision and a peer worker community of practice,
Organizations should have peer work reflected in organizational systems: Monitor peer workforce activity and outcome data through departmental reporting requirements
- Peer work should be promoted: Develop and implement a communication strategy to disseminate information
- Peer workers should be provided regular, discipline specific supervision as part of their employment: Develop a peer worker supervision model
- Peer workers should be provided with consistent discipline specific training and professional development.
- Facilitate evaluation of peer worker activities, and document and distribute outcomes to consumers and the wider sector.
- Develop Core Competencies and Practice Guidelines in consultation with key stakeholders