Meaningful Engagement, Meaningful Results – engagement and consultation road map from the provincial peer-training project
This document is an overview of peer services in BC, and includes the core values and standards of practice that organizations can use to develop their peer programs, and use in the creation of job descriptions and postings.
Key Findings
Directly quoted from the document: “The purpose of this report is two-fold. First and foremost, this document is intended to highlight the robust engagement and consultation process we implemented to inform the development of the provincial peer-training curriculum project. By outlining the process, and its subsequent outcomes, we abide to our commitments to transparency and meaningful engagement. We also provide a point of reference that assists the reader in understanding the broader project, including rationale for the current direction and future steps.
Second, this document outlines a road map for future engagement and consultation with PWLLE, also referred to as peers, working in the mental health and substance use sector. The role of peers in decision-making processes has never been more important, and many peers are actively sought out for consultation on the development of new initiatives. The process, however, is disjointed and inconsistent, often leaving peers experiencing unintentional harm at the hands of organizations and institutions.”
Key findings related to emerging/promising principles for engaging PWLLE:
Overview of the core values from the BC peer support training. Scan of what was happening in BC at the time of report.
Key findings related to emerging/promising practices for engaging PWLLE:
Standards of practice, and overview of practices recommended by Peer Support Canada. Recommendations to organizations for practices and policies based on surveying peers in BC.
Key finding on policy:
Recommendations to consider in policy creation.